Tara Kierans

Charlotte Best


Tara works with individuals, groups, teams and organisations providing developmental spaces for support, thinking, connection, learning and sustainment.

Tara’s approach to working with others is underpinned by belief in the importance of curiosity and compassion in relation to our experiences, and the feelings we encounter along the way. That by being brave enough to look at the more challenging aspects of our experiences, we may embark on a journey of discovery that sustains and develops us.

The spaces Tara provides includes the facilitation of reflective practice groups, which offer teams the opportunity to regularly come together to explore, process and reflect on the experience of being in role, working together and the experience of being within a wider organisation.  

Tara additionally provides clinical supervision to individuals who deliver or manage services that offer support to others.

This provides an opportunity to engage in facilitated thinking through dilemmas and experiences in role whilst exploring options for future approaches to the work.

Tara holds an MA in Consultation and Organisations, undertaken at the Tavistock and Portman; and utilises understanding and insights from psychoanalytic ideas, group processes and systems thinking in her work.  

In practice, this involves exploring emotions encountered in the experience of work, the dynamics of the groups we belong to and enter as part of our role; and the interplay between these aspects and the systems in and around the wider organisation/s being worked in.

Tara has 25 years experience of working within the field of mental health; managing and coordinating a variety of mental health & social care services including residential care homes, supported housing services and a national mental health helpline.

Tara has designed and delivered training for teams within the social care sector, around areas of the work that are experienced as challenging.

Additionally, Tara is an associate member of the Society for Education and Training and an associate member of OPUS where she contributes to the work through Listening Post attendance and has taken up the role of Listening Post Convenor.


Charlotte’s foundation in Social Work leadership has forged a strong basis in her approach to consultancy. Renowned for her expertise, she excels in delivering highly specialised organisational consultancy services, distinguished by the application of psychodynamic and systemic approaches. This unique offering transcends the conventional boundaries of project management consultancy, with a distinctive focus on establishing bespoke reflective spaces for individuals and groups within organisations. The aim is to elevate leadership, refine communication, and cultivate a uniquely resilient culture. Charlotte meticulously identifies and addresses hidden performance barriers, promoting continuous learning and fostering ongoing development.

Currently in her second year of the MA in Consulting and Leading in Organisations at Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust via the University of Essex, Charlotte integrates academic insights into her highly specialised consultative practice. The approach seamlessly combines psychoanalytic ideas, group processes, and systems thinking, allowing for adept navigation of the intricate interplay of emotions, group dynamics, and organisational systems.

Utilising her dual role as a consultant and social work practitioner, Charlotte plays a pivotal part as an Independent Person for Children Safeguarding complaints. Staying apprised of current practice issues in organisations, there is a unique and specialist focus on offering consultancy through psychodynamic and systemic approaches. Within this realm, she crafts transformative spaces within the organisational landscape—fostering unparalleled support, thoughtful reflection, connection, continuous learning, and sustained growth tailored to each client’s unique journey